Articles of Association
Internal Rulebook
1. Guidelines how to begin an Agora Club in a new country
2. Guidelines how to charter a Nr 1 Club
3. Guidelines how to charter a Nr 2 Agora Club + eventually form the national board
4. Guidelines how to form further Agora Clubs
5. Guidelines for Agora Club Godmother Countries
6. Guidelines for the ACI Board Members
6a. Guidelines for the ACI President
6b. Guidelines for the ACI Vice President
6c. Guidelines for the ACI Immediate Past President
6d. Guidelines for the ACI Treasurer
6e. Guidelines for the ACI Secretary
6f. Clarification of claimable expenses by ACI officers
7. Guidelines for the tellers at the ACI AGM
8. Guidelines for individual membership
9a. Guidelines how to host an ACI conference: Introduction guide
9b. ACI Conference: full checklist
10a. Guidelines Charter protocol of the Nr1 Club in a new Agora country
10b. Guidelines Charter protocol of the Nr2 and more Club
11. Guidelines Protocol for the installation of the national board
12. Guidelines how to receive ACI officer in your country
13. Guidelines how to grant honory membership
14. Guidelines for the FORUM (under construction)
15. Guidelines Protocol for the presidential drink and gala dinner during the ACI Conference
16. Guidelines for ACI Web Lady
17. Guideline to the Social Media Lady/Manager
18. Guideline to the ACW Platform Officers
19. Guidelines for assistant on legal matters (under construction)
20. Guidelines on home hosting the ACI BM
21. Guidelines How to introduce a new Agora member
22. Guidelines for Travel Fund
1. Reminder for your national board meeting
2. Reminder for the national association's AGMs
3. Reminder of documents and info which YOU have to send to the ACI secretary by the end of June
4. List of documents to be sent TO the ACI Secretary by the 30th of June
5. List of documents which will be sent to you by the 30th of July by the ACI Secretary
6b. WHAT TO BRING WITH YOU AT THE ACI Councillors Meeting
8. List of what an ACI representative has to take to a charter
9. List of what the ACI Board members have to bring to the ACI Conference
1. Application form ACI Conference
5. Nomination form ACI officer
6. Application form FULL membership
7. Application form ASSOCIATE membership
8. Certificate for honoured ACI membership
9. Application for ACI travel fund grant
10. Application form ACI ISP #KeepAGirlChildInSchool - under construction