Memorandum of Understanding
At the ACI International Annual General Meeting in Gent, in 2018 it was agreed to recognize and respect a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the ongoing cooperation between the 5 organizations of the Round Table Family by adding the following item in the Aims and Objectives : “To promote, co-ordinate & develop working relationships with Round Table International, Ladies’Circle International, Agora Club International, Club 41 International and Tangent Club International, wherever possible.
This MOU was renewed cyclically, last time at the Round Table World Meeting in 2022.
Ladies Circle International
History of LCI Ladies’ Circle (LC) sets its roots in England where the first Circle was founded in Bournemouth by wives of Round Table members. By 1936 the first English Clubs formed the English National Ladies’ Circle Association (GB&I).
In 1947 and 1949 LC Sweden and Denmark, respectively were founded. 29 May 1959 is an important date in the History of LCI since it is on this day, at the RTI AGM in Leiden, Holland the three countries established Ladies’ Circle International (LCI).
This is where the constitution was drawn up based on equality of all member associations within an international structure. From this developed the Aims and Objects:
The membership was open to wives of Round Table who fell within the age group 18 to 40. As the years rolled by other countries joined LCI. In 1994 at the Annual General Meeting a significant rule change was passed, following which Ladies Circle International became totally independent from Round Table, in that Ladies Circle is now open to all women between the age of 18 to 45.
Today LCI is an international service organisation represented by approximately 13,000 members, in 36 countries across continents Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.
The motto of LCI is Friendship & Service’.
Round Table International
Round Table is organised in more than 65 countries with in total 54 associations. Some associations contain more than one country. In total we have over 2.275 clubs and around 30.000 members world wide.
RT brings together talented men aged between 18 and 40 [or 18 and 45], to challenge, inspire and learn from each other. We share ideas openly with trust, and empower each individual to make a positive impact at home, work and in his community.
Round Table International is lead by a International Board. This board is responsible for the international organisation. Every association is a member of one of the 5 areas and every area has its own Area Chairman. The associations itself, has also an own structure with a national board and sometimes region managers.
Motto :
Adopt, Adapt, Improve.
41 Club International
The main objects of 41 Club International are to maintain at international level contacts between clubs and their members throughout the world and to maintain the bonds of friendship which unite all Ex-Tablers. Members are encouraged to support their Round Table and support charity and community service initiatives. “41 International” has approximately 35,000 individual members.
“41 International” was founded in 1975 by France, GB&I, Belgium and Germany and is the international umbrella organisation which unites associations of past Round Tablers clubs in countries across the world. It was set up to allow members to continue friendships that they had formed when they were in the Round Table. Members of Round Table are obliged to end their membership when they reach the age of 40 or 45, according to the country in which they reside.
41 Clubs (‘Ex-Tablers’ or ‘Old Tablers’) started to be formed in Great Britain and Ireland in the late 1930’s. The first one in Liverpool in May 1936. The National Association of ex Tablers was formed in Wakefield on 12th May 1945, the day World War Two finished! Over the years it grew in size as the Round Table movement itself flourished. At one stage it had over 1000 clubs and 25000 members,
As Round Table expanded into Europe and beyond, 41 Clubs and National Associations grew and in 1975 “41 International” was formed. Today, the movement is still growing with nearly 30 National associations in existence and more to come.
Tangent Club International
TCI s an international umbrella association of Tangent Clubs worldwide. It wishes to pursue the best gained from Ladies’ Circle International – friendship, unity and the LC-spirit. Tangent Club is -next to Agora Club International- a extension to Ladies’ Circle, so the friendships and networks established at Ladies’ Circle can be maintained, when the upper age limit of Ladies’ Circle is reached.
Our purposes are:
To promote and strengthen international friendships established through Ladies Circle International.
To promote, encourage and support new international friendships between Tangent Clubs worldwide.
To assist LCI wherever and whenever called upon.
To work side-by-side with the Round Table Family.
To be non-political and non-sectarian.
Motto : Let Friendship Continue.